Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Revolution

I started 2008 like I started most years before it ... swearing upon the well-lit ball dropping to earth on Dick Clark's Rocking Eve New Year show that I would do better once January began.

My resolutions were pretty much like yours, I bet. I'd eat better, mother better, be a better wife, manage my office more efficiently, save more, iron like a pro, organize my silverware drawer. As I sit here tonight and look back on the last 365 days, I think I made some minor progress. But for 2009, I think something more monumental is called for.

I'm going to make a few New Year's Revolutions. I think that, every now and again, we're all in need of blowing up a project and starting from scratch. Every time I tackle a little garage organization, my husband stands staring, jaw dropped, at the mounds of junk I've littered the driveway with (behind the fence, away from the curious eyes of our neighbors). I always say to him, "Honey, don't worry ... you've got to drag it all out to see what you've got so you can make choices."

I think I'm there right now. Don't expect to see me striking out away from my life here, though. I'm in love with my family, I'm in pretty good "like" with my job, my friends sure make me laugh. But it's the insides I'm going to drag out into the open. Once I take a good hard look at me, I can decide what to purge and what to treasure ... and what needs a good makeover.

Stay tuned.

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